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10 questions you can ask yourself to achieve better clarity and focus in 2022

As 2021 ends, all of us now look forward to the beginning of a new year – 2022.

Are you among the many of us who regret not reaching the goals you have set? 

What do you think would have helped you to accomplish your goals? 

It is simply a lack of #focus on your goals and missing #clarity on what needs to be done to achieve your goals. 

Just as with many complicated situations in life, self-awareness and asking yourself the right questions help. So, here are 10 questions you can ask yourself to achieve better clarity and focus in this year. 

Woman, you are Multidimensional

These days, we women introduce ourselves as a working woman or just a house wife. There are very few women, who take pride in saying that they are a home maker. Whether we women are in the office, or home the fact is that we work everywhere. The question is how we perceive our work. That makes all the difference.

Productivity: A Natural By-product

Human being, are a rare amalgamation of the CREATOR and the CREATION within us. We are the creator because we choose our food and we are the creation because the food we consume becomes a part of our system. When it comes to productivity and efficiency, they are the natural by-products of an organized mind and body. Productivity can be a natural by-product only if we love the process journey and work towards it diligently.

4 reasons why giving up on your comfort zone is the best way to discover yourself

You sleep, wake up, freshen up, eat, go for work via the same route, come back and chill on the same couch while having pretty much the same food on your plate again and again. This way following the same routine, we get comfortable in our skin and in turn comfortable with whatever routine we follow. We prepare our body and mind in the same way and leave no room to explore more and come out of this comfort zone. But is this healthy? Should we not explore enough before departing from the universe? The answer is debatable.

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