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emotional awareness

Emotional Awareness

Being human, emotion is one of the most powerful and an intense aspect of our life. Each emotion that we experience within has a consequence of changing the very chemistry of our body. It is only when we are at our best of emotion, we work wonderfully and effortlessly. To practice Emotional Awareness is to move from Unknown to the Known: A journey of Self-Discovery.

Emotional Awareness at Two Levels

At the Self Level: is just to have the sense to know, recognize, label and identify your emotions. And it is a wonderful journey of Self-Discovery throughout our life.

At Others Level: This is the next level which is to understand the emotion of the other person to the extent possible.

Emotions are not always as easy to describe as we’d think it is. It might seem to be simple, but it can be very excruciating to express at times. Most often, we feel so intense and uncomfortable that it becomes hard to identify our emotion and which seems to be uncontrollable and unpredictable as well.

I want you all to answer which seems-to-be-simple thought provoking question…How do we define DARKNESS ??

Is it the Presence of Darkness or the Absence of Light? The Answer lies within the question itself. There is no such thing as Darkness; it is only the absence of light.

So Let us Lit the Light of Emotion:

Why?? As a human being, our body and mind must function to the best of its possibilities. And in this process, our emotion should not turn against us. Rather our emotion needs to be accepted in a very deeper way, so that it becomes our friend. A friend is someone who is pleasant to us for life.

Clarity in understanding our own feelings and those of others helps us to connect with inner self at deeper level which reflects to connect with others as well at human level.

An enhanced Emotional Awareness helps us to explore new opportunities by pushing our own limits there by creating our life to phenomenal possibilities.

Awareness of Our Emotion Means

  1. Identifying and Recognizing our Emotion
  2. Understanding it as in what scenario the emotion gets triggered
  3. How do we feel during that time
  4. How do we react or respond to that state of emotion.
  5. Rewiring our thinking pattern and planning a strategy for the desired result

How to Strategize

Yoga: Teaches us to be Mindful

Any feeling that keeps popping up again and again has a seed deep-rooted somewhere in our subconscious mind. It is just that it gets triggered when the appropriate extrinsic factor gets anchored with the right intrinsic factor from within during the event.

It is during this moment, where we need to learn how to disassociate ourselves from our mind and see things as it is without being judgmental. And Yoga can be an excellent way to train our mind how to be mindful. Mindfulness is paying attention to whatever is happening in the present, without being judgmental.

This simple yet powerful practice helps us to rise above the mind limitations and its conditioning. It empowers us to choose to respond and influence the way we want it to happen. This practice helps to break the anchor which triggers the emotion from within and helps us to be free from the loop and see the solution possibilities.

Yoga: Teaches us how to Breathe Effectively

If you observe, every emotions has a physical and also a chemical manifestation to it. When we are happy, we have a certain chemistry of our body and when we are sad or angry, we have another set of unpleasant chemistry of our body. A shaky voice or a racing heartbeat certainly changes the very chemistry of our body.

Yoga teaches us how slow and deep breathing helps to maintain the pleasantness of our body and mind. When it comes to Emotional Awareness, deep breathing naturally calms the mind and body. As a beautiful consequence, we successfully learn to enhance our Emotional Awareness and avoid getting totally swept up in the emotion itself.

Yoga: Teaches us to be Inclusive towards Life

“I” vs the Universe, Do you even think I will win against the Giant Universe??

Certainly not.

Emotional Awareness is not limited to oneself only. If we are in a heightened state of Emotional Awareness, we learn to push our own stuff aside, so that we can complement and tune to what the other person is currently feeling and respond to the best of our possibilities.

Regular practice of Yoga helps as how to be one and inclusive with the Universe. The theory of oneness with the Universe is the best and the only way to accomplish whatsoever we wish to achieve in life. Dissolving the “I” and to become Inclusive with whatever we do is the best way to be.

Yoga deepens our understanding of the links between our states of mind and our bodies, and vice versa. Human Body is the most sophisticated Gadget in the world, understanding it at much deeper and fundamental level helps us to use the Gadget in a more efficient way.

Practice Yoga, Be Mindful, Breathe Deeply, and Enhance your Emotional Awareness. Experience the phenomenal possibilities of Being Human.

You may want to read other article written by the same author ‘ Productivity – A Natural Byproduct ‘ , ‘ Women @ Workplace ‘ .


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